Algae Control Canada also offers other water management products such as aquatic dyes, algaecides, mechanical weed removal tools, and surface aeration.


Dyes will give you a great-looking pond. More importantly, they are formulated to block UV rays. This inhibits the growth of algae and vegetation by reducing the light available for photosynthesis. An added bonus is the dyes also protect your fish from the eyes of airborne predators like blue heron and cormorants.


Of all water management products, algaecide is the one that requires a thoughtful and planned application. An algaecide can kill algae but the effect can often be short-lived and can even aggravate algae problems. The algae killed by an algaecide accumulate on the pond bottom and provide more nutrients to future algae blooms. Without proper aeration and beneficial bacteria, the use of algaecides can end up being a vicious cycle.

We generally only recommend algaecides for spot treatment of algae in water bodies that have sufficient aeration and are being treated with the appropriate bioaugmentation.



Weed Razer is a water management product that helps manually remove aquatic weeds near the shoreline

Remove your Lake weeds or Pond Weeds in just Minutes with the Weed Razer®. The Weed Razer is a unique V-shaped lake weed cutter with razor-sharp blades designed to be the most efficient and effective lake weed cutting tool made. This weed cutter will cut or shear almost any type of rooted aquatic vegetation like milfoil, lily pads, pond weeds and even cattails. Razor-sharp blades can shear through water and lake weeds with ease, and can also cut cattails.

The Weed Razer clears a path 48″ (4 feet) wide each throw. Weighing in at just 8 pounds, it is light enough to toss 30 feet or more yet heavy enough to sink to the bottom.

The Weed Razer:

  • Can cut in deep or shallow water
  • Cuts at the base of the weeds
  • Has little resistance because it slices the water weeds rather than dragging them

Once you cut or shear the lake or pond weed, we recommend that you remove the cut vegetation from the water. Decaying vegetation will provide nutrients that can stimulate new vegetation growth and algae blooms. Removing nutrients is a key water management practice that will improve your water quality.


Weed Raker is a water management tool that's great for removing floating or near-surface debris close to shoreline in a pond

The Weed Raker is the longest, widest, and deepest digging lake rake in the industry specifically designed to be very effective at removing lake and pond water weeds and debris floating on the surface of the water. The Weed Raker is also designed to dig and pull the stems and roots of your lake and pond weeds slowing or eliminating their re-growth. This rake is ideal for removing the organic matter at the bottom of your lake which fuels the re-growth of more water weeds, aquatic vegetation!

The Weed Raker is also a great tool for the removal of free floating weeds like water hyacinth, bladderwort, salvinia, water lettuce, etc.

Weighing less than 7 lbs, it is light enough to toss 55 feet away. The rake head is hollow and can be filled with floating material to make it float, or with gravel or other weighted material to make it dig deeper.

With the Weed Raker you can:

  • Keep your beach front free from floating water weeds and debris
  • Collect large mats of floating debris with the super sized rake head
  • Clean your beach, root up weeds and remove muck
  • Keep your lake bottom weed free and harvest your cut weeds
  • Remove decaying organic matter from your lake and pond bottom
  • Weigh the hollow rake head down to dig deep in the bottom
  • Pull weeds in from 55 feet away